To everybody who talks about Africa and writes about Africa, do you speak in the language of the people you write about? – The Mugane Question…

To expunge the inferior complex given their existence and use is an empowering experience to maintain dignity, respect and value for the Continent of Africa, her people, culture and antiquity.

ILA Foundation LBG

ILA Foundation LBG is an international not-for-profit group of humanitarians for the Preservation of Indigenous Languages Africa. The purpose is to maintain dignity, respect & value that recognizes our languages & heritage across cultural barriers in society, school, home & business to build a greater understanding in Africa & the Diaspora.

To further address preservation of indigenous Languages: Africa, our involvement is to assist and construct a platform for understanding as we galvanize indigenous professionals, leaders and others to showcase the importance and value thereof. They are the voices to demonstrate the significance of retaining African indigenous identifies. The topic of preserving their languages must be included as part of the World stage. Africa is a continent, not just a Nation, its 55 Nations, with over 2000 distinct languages.

african professionals - ilafd
Our melody must be played; sing our song for the world to hear; dance to the beat of our drums by ancestors who are woven in the very fabric of a culture, a people who continue to contribute to society regardless of heritage for “Our Children, Our Future.” We are men, women, children, professionals, educators, faculty, and students, from one generation to the next, supporting one another.


Together, We Can Preserve Indigenous Languages

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